No Child Left Behind
The district's purpose is to enable students to meet or exceed state requirements for achievement, with an ongoing thrust for encouraging academic excellence for all students.
School Improvement Goals
The district continues to implement the core academic improvement objectives in each content area as follows:
- English Language Arts: All students at each grade level will use reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing to effectively communicate orally and in writing across a variety of disciplines now and in the future.
- Mathematics: All students at each grade level will develop mathematical power to participate fully as a citizen and worker in our global world.
- Science: All students at each grade level will demonstrate essential scientific literacy as defined by national and state standards.
- Social Studies: All students at each grade level will be prepared to become active, contributing, and socially responsible citizens of their school, community, nation and world.
Average Class Size
This is the classroom ratio of pupils to teachers. It is calculated by dividing the K-12 (excluding special education) enrollment of a school by the number of K-12 classroom teachers reported by the school. The number of K-12 classroom teachers does not include teachers in special education, compensatory education, vocational education, or other basic programs. Using this Michigan Department of Education definition, our average class size in the elementary buildings is 24, at the middle school 25 and at the high school 21. The average pupil/teacher ratio for the district is 23.
School Board Parent Involvement Policy
The Board recognizes the importance of parent involvement in the school improvement process. A parental point of view is vital since parents are key contributors, as advocates for, and resources to the overall school program. The Board seeks to encourage participation of parents but also recognizes the unique qualities of the schools that are reflected in their individual school improvement plans. Therefore, the Board holds each school responsible for selecting an appropriate model for parental involvement in their school improvement process.
Teacher Qualifications
92% of East Lansing School District teachers are highly qualified. Under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) the district will have 100% of their teachers highly qualified by June 30, 2006. To ensure that all of the teachers are highly qualified, the district will make annual progress towards Michigan's objective by the following plan:
- Provide a portfolio option for teachers to become "highly qualified."
- Offer informational sessions to staff on how to become "highly qualified."
The district will work with staff towards becoming "highly qualified." The parent has the right to know the particular teacher qualifications of his/her child's teacher(s).