The East Lansing Board of Education has established the following committees of the Board to allow for a deliberate and careful review of various items and issues brought to the Board for consideration and possible action.

These committees will always consist of fewer members than a quorum of the Board and have no decision-making authority.  The only authority  of these committees is to make recommendations to the full Board for its consideration if an action is to be taken as a result of the committee's deliberations.

All meetings of Board Committees are open to the public and are posted on the individual committee site.  This site can be accessed by clicking on the name of the committee in the list of Board committees found in the column to the right.

Your Board of Education is committed to an open process which is transparent to the school community.

Thank you for your interest in our schools!


Board of Education Committees 2024

Academic and Technology

Elizabeth Lyons, Chair
Terah Chambers
Chris Martin


Tali Faris-Hylen, Chair
Elizabeth Lyons
Chris Martin


Kath Edsall, Chair
Estrella Torrez
Abbie Tykocki

Intergovernmental Relations

Estrella Torrez, Chair
Elizabeth Lyons
Abbie Tykocki


Chris Martin, Chair
Tali Faris-Hylen
Kath Edsall


Kath Edsall, Chair
Terah Chambers
Tali Faris-Hylen


Abbie Tykocki

Recognition Point Person

Tali Faris-Hylen