Meeting Minutes 2024-25

ELPS Policy Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Policy Committee of the East Lansing Board of Education East Lansing High School – Board Meeting 509 Burcham Drive, East Lansing, MI 

January 16th, 2025, 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Call to Order 

The meeting was called to order by Melissa Fore at 6:39 PM

Membership Roll Call

a. Members present: Melissa Fore, Lola Fore, Glenn Mitcham, Bridget-Burns King, Anne Scott, Heather Marlow, Andrea Kelly, Kelly Maier, Megan Maas,b. Guests: Brandy Boak

Approval/Modifications to the Previous Meeting Minutes

No changes.

A motion to approve the agenda without any changes was made by Megan Maas and seconded by Andrea Kelly. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval/Additions to the Agenda

Change September to November for meeting minutes in the agenda.A motion to approve the agenda with the proposed changes was made by Heather Marlow and seconded by Andrea Kelly. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment:

a. Feedback on 6th grade sex education curriculum preview.

i. There following was unexpected to a parent: Sexual acts, pornography, and masturbation hadn’t been learned by the student yet.

ii. Curriculum overview might not be as transparent as it should be (or at least go into more detail).

iii. Parent nights contain this detail; however, they are often skipped by parents. Could be hosted at a more accessible time.

iv. The curriculum preview is provided by the publisher. We could give feedback to the publisher, or supplement the preview to expand on what we were covering without breaching copyright.

1. “Here are some topics you might want to talk to your student about”

2. “How the grades are different with sex education”

Presentations/Committee Reports

a. Sex Ed Director Reporti. Connected with the special education teachers. Discussed gaps, when things were taught and certifications.ii. Student sex ed opt-out form feedback reason aggregate:

1. Student is not ready.

2. Parents rather teach this and asked if we can we send the parents’ home with curriculum materials.

3. Thanked us for the option to provide feedback.

4. Did not want their child to learn sexual orientation and gender identity

b. 7-12th Grade Curriculum Review Committee Update

i. RRR (Rights, Respect and Responsibility)

1. Cost: Open source (free)

2. Conclusion: We should pilot this curriculum at the end of the year (pending board approval. If it is poorly received, we will proceed with PPP pilot that has a cost.

ii. PPP (Positive Prevention Plus)

1. Cost: Expensive. Steep teacher training cost. Pilot coast is same as buying it outright.

2. Conclusion: This curriculum wasn’t any better than RRR to the subcommittee.

iii. Pilots have to be approved by the board.

c. Committee/Goal Updates

ELPS Policy Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Policy Committee of the East Lansing Board of Education East Lansing High School – Board Meeting 509 Burcham Drive, East Lansing, MI 

November 21st, 2024, 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Call to Order.

The meeting was called to order by Danny Hearit at 6:34 PM

Membership Roll Call.

a. Members present: Melissa Fore, Lola Fore, Lola Henderson, Glenn Mitcham, Chad O’Neil, Jonathan Gold, Bridget-Burns King, Anne Scott, Heather Marlow, Karessa Wheeler, Andrea Kelly, Kelly Maier.b. Guests: None

Approval/Modifications to the Previous Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the previous meeting minutes with changes to “correct the attendee list and, names corrected” were made by Heather Marlow and seconded by Karessa Wheeler. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval/Additions to the Agenda

A motion to approve the agenda with changes “removing health director reports” was made by Heather Marlow and seconded by Melissa Fore. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment:

a. None.

Guest Speaker:

a. None

Presentations/Committee Reports

a. Sex Ed Director Report

i. 4th grade is active with instruction currently. High School at the end of December.

ii. Good progress with the opt out form. Seems to be moving ahead successfully.

1. 16 parents of 4th graders, 11 opt outs.

2. Good discussion with parents. All parents have the option to opt out. Getting a lot of comments. Nothing nasty. All constructive insights, and appreciate the chance to say ‘why.’ Many thought their child was too young and/or they preferred to teach them at home.

3. Danny - do they know that we don’t teach sex in fourth grade?

4. Anne - Teacher is emailing those in the health/gym in the high school

5. Glenn - 280 4th graders in the district.

b. 7-12th Grade Curriculum Review Committee Update

i. Subcommittee - update by Anne. Our committee met on Oct. 30, reviewed 3 options, moved forward with 2, next progress connect with publisher to give a presentation, all are welcome. Only Positive Prevention Plus responded. Rights, Respect and Responsibility was done by Advocates for Youth. Called multiple people left multiple messages, they don’t have emails.

ii. Christina Holmes from Eaton RESA did the presentations. It is a free program; they don’t have people to do presentations. Christina could do an overview but we won’t have direct access to the authors. They do formal teacher training. The customer service portion is not there yet. With Puberty the Wonder Years, the author herself would answer right away.

iii. If we can’t get teachers in training, we are going to have problems.

iv. Comes with an open-source curriculum.

v. In-person evaluations of these curriculum:

1. Dec. 11 3:30 – 7:00


3. RRR at 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m then dinner.

4. Zooming in with PPP afterwards.

vi. The committee needs to be there and anyone on the board can come. Currently attending: Melissa, Anne, Glenn, Klaudia, Mr. Smith and Dr. Armstrong.

c. Committee/Goal Updates

ELPS Policy Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Policy Committee of the East Lansing Board of Education East Lansing High School – Board Meeting 509 Burcham Drive, East Lansing, MI 

October 17th, 2024, 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Call to Order at 6:30 pm by Melissa Fore

Membership Roll Call. 

a. Attendees: Melissa Fore, Karessa Wheeler, Chad O’Neil, Kelly Maier, Andrea Kelly, Heather Marlow, Jonathan Gold, Bridget Burns-King, Anne Scott, Glenn Mitcham. 

b. Not in attendance: Corrissa Pittman, Lola Henderson, Megan Maas, Danny Hearit 

Approval/Modifications to September 2024 Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the previous meeting minutes with changes to “correct the attendee list and property attribute the public comment summary to the full board’s group discussion distinct from the initial public comment” were made by Heather Marlow and seconded by Jonathan Gold. Motion passed unanimously. 

Approval/Additions to the Agenda

A motion to approve the agenda with changes “with the elimination of the 2-Year district report from the New Business Agenda” were made by Heather Marlow and seconded by Jonathan Gold. Motion passed unanimously. 

Public Comment: 

a. None 

Guest Speaker: 

a. N/A 

Presentations/Committee Reports 

a. Sex Ed Director Report - Anne Scott 

i. Electronic Sex Ed Opt Out form is live, and being piloted with 4th grade. 

ii. 2-Year District Sex Ed report is being prepared for the November meeting. 

b. 7th -12th Grade Curriculum Review Committee Update 

i. Anne Scott reported that the Curriculum Review Committee had met and initiated a review of three curriculums: Health Smart, Positive Prevention Plus and Health Smart. The Committee will reconvene on October 30th to select curriculum to progress in the review process. 

Unfinished Business 

a. Review and Finalize 2024-2025 Goals and Subcommittees

ELPS Sex Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Sex Advisory Board of the East Lansing Board of Education East Lansing High School – Board Meeting 509 Burcham Drive, East Lansing, MI 

September 19, 2024 - 6:30 pm

Call to Order.

The meeting was called to order by Danny Hearit at 6:36 PM 

Membership Roll Call. 

Members present: Megan Maas, Melissa Fore, Anne Scott, Karessa Wheeler, Myah Valla, Danny Hearit, Heather Marlow, Diane Tuinstra, Bridget Burns-King, Jonathan Gold. No guests. 

  • Welcome New SEAB Members and New Co-Chair 

Approval/Modifications to the Previous Meeting Minutes 

A motion to approve the previous meeting minutes without any changes was made by Karessa Wheeler and seconded by Heather Marlow. Motion passed unanimously. 

Approval/Additions to the Agenda 

A motion to approve the agenda without any changes was made by Bridget Burns-King and seconded by Melissa Fore. Motion passed unanimously. 

Public Comment

a. Mellisa Fore: 

i. The health/sex ed class in East Lansing High School is too easy to opt out of. They must have written notice, often opted out for other academic classes (AP classes). 

ii. Could talk to the counselors about the importance of this class or other ways. Often not taken when students do a personalized curriculum. 

iii. Need more baseline data on who is opting out and why. This year there are digital opt-out forms, and the new form includes a comment box for parents/caregivers to provide reasons why they are opting-out. Glenn Mitcham could help with this. 

iv. Excel class at the high school could be an opportunity to have guest speakers from sex ed spaces. 

Guest Speaker: 


Presentations/Committee Reports 

a. Sex Ed Director Report: 

i. New SEAB Member Resource Folder Review 

1. Overview of SEAB Mission and Purpose a. No new members present, skipped. 

2. Overview of Sex Education and HIV Law for MI a. Updated from last year. 

ii. Middle School/High School Curriculum Review Plan 

1. The SEAB identified Rights, Respect, and Responsibility (3Rs) as a potential curriculum to replace 7th -12th Grade Sex Education materials. 

2. In accordance with district curriculum review procedure, two additional curricula were identified that also meet Michigan “A-K” Sex Education requirements, inclusive and comprehensive material criteria, as indicated by the Eaton RESA sex education curricula review guide. 

a. 3Rs i. free ii. not evidence based (evidence informed) 

b. Health Smart i. most costly ii. evidence based 

c. Positive Prevention Plus i. already used for special education sex-ed curriculum ii. evidence based iii. affordable 

3. Volunteers from the SEAN is needed to join the curricula review subcommittee: Melissa Fore 

Unfinished Business 

a. Recap of 2023-2024 SEAB Accomplishments 

i. This information was obtained from previous meeting minutes. 

9) New Business 

a. Reset of 2024-2025 SEAB Goals 

i. MiPHY Data Analysis - To make adjustments and recommendations to the curriculum. 

ii. Parent Survey – Improve/expansion of the current survey that hasn’t been sent out in a few years 

iii. Student Youth Advisory Council - 

iv. Guest Speakers - Guest speaker or addition to the curriculum 

1. High school porn education guest speaker or addition to the curriculum – Megan Maas 

2. Lansing Women’s Center 

v. Community education and other community education events. 

1. PopPorn – Megan Maas 

2. Pronouns – Danny Hearit 

vi. Improving the opt-out of sex-ed data – Add more info to the opt-out form/add the one we created last year. 

vii. Sexual Violence prevention 

1. Consult Lansing Women’s Center (toxic masculinity) 

2. Joint meeting with health wellness coordinator 

3. K-3 content – Book approval 

b. Reset SEAB Subcommittees for 2024-2025 year 

i. New/continued 2024-25cSubcommittees 

1. Sexual Violence Prevention: Melissa Fore, Chad O’Neil, BBK 

2. Student Surveys and Outreach Kelly Maier 

3. Guest Speakers: Anne Scott, Danny Hearit, Kelly Maier, Karessa Wheeler 

4. Parent Resources: Anne Scott, Jonathan Gold, Megan Maas, Danny Hearit c. c. Elect New SEAB Secretary

i. Karessa Wheeler volunteered! Thank you! 


a. Next meeting, Thursday, October 17th, 2024


Motion to adjourn was made by Melissa Fore and seconded by Chad O’Neil. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM