Community Council
East Lansing High School Community Council |
Community Council Funding Appeal Letter
ELHS Community Council does NOT hold any fundraisers. We only ask for direct contributions to fund our programs. Please follow the link below to find out more infomation on how you can donate to the ELHS Community Council.
Community Council Funding Appeal Letter
You may contact any Board member at
ELHS CC Board for 2024-25
Co-Presidents Andrea Magyar 517.703.4455 Ann Siegle 517 402 8500 Treasurer VP Communications Secretary Student Grants Teacher Grants / Staff Meals International Families District Parent Council Liaison | Ann Siegle and Andrea Magyar
We will meet every OTHER month in person, at the Hub at 6pm on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Council updates, meeting notices are sent out via e-mail.
Sign up to get meeting calendar invites here:
Please stay in touch with the ELHSCC for up to date information by following us on social media: The HS also sends out their family update monthly and in that we have a link to ELHSCC’s monthly newsletter.
Meeting Schedule for 2025
The council meets regularly in the HUB or online at 6 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. For 2025, meeting dates are:
March - virtual, March 18th - google Meet link to be provided prior to the meeting. Want to be invited? Click here: April - in person, April 15
- May - in person, elections May 20
- September - in person, September 16
- October - Virtual, October 21
- November - In person November 18
The East Lansing High School Community Council:
- Assists with communications between parents/guardians and administrators, including the principal and assistant principals who regularly attend our council meetings.
Smooths the transition from middle school and beyond. Our meetings may include outside speakers on useful topics such as college admissions, vocational training and mental health resources.
Assists in volunteer support for general needs for the entire school. We offer volunteer opportunities and sign-up opportunities through our newsletter and on social media.
Funds educational enhancement outside administrative budgets for teachers, providing funds for technology, equipment and learning materials.
Please consider supporting the Community Council with your time, service and a monetary donation. Your funds ensure we can continue to support our incredible teachers and students.
Please consider supporting the Community Council with your time, service and a monetary donation. Your funds ensure we can continue to support our incredible teachers and students.
East Lansing High School Community Council
Help me spread the word about East Lansing High School Parent Council. Together, we can make a difference.
If you prefer, checks made payable to the ELHS Community Council may be delivered to the office by your student or through the mail: Attn: Community Council, East Lansing High School, 509 Burcham Drive, East Lansing, MI 48823
For more information and a volunteer form which can be printed, filled out and returned to the office, see our Welcome Letter.