Advanced Placement
We have Advanced Placement classroom experiences in:
Mathematics: Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Statistics, Computer Science
Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental Science
Social Studies: European History, World History, Psychology, U.S. History, Economics, and Government & Politics
English: Literature, Language
Foreign Language: French or Spanish
Art: Art Portfolio
We also offer advanced placement classes through the Michigan Virtual University:
Please visit the Michigan Virtual University web page at
Wilson Talent Center
Wilson Talent Center
The Wilson Talent Center offers 30 career and technical education programs. It is part of the Ingham Intermediate School District and is located in Mason, MI. Visit the website or call 517-244-1302 for specific program information.
Programs offered by the Wilson Talent Center are competitive and require an application process for acceptance. The process for applying is outlined below.
Mr. Josh Barrons is the contact counselor for WTC. Interested students may meet with him for more information.
- The WTC presentation takes place at East Lansing High School in the fall of the student's sophomore year.
- After the presentation, interested students sign up to make a program visit in November. Students wishing to apply to the WTC are required to make this visit.
- Applications are accepted after the program visit through January. An application is required to be considered for a program.
- Students accepted in to a program will be notified in the spring. If a student is accepted, his/her counselor will make the necessary adjustment to their schedule.
- Students attend the Wilson Talent Center during their junior and possibly senior year.*
*Returning to a program during the senior year is based on performance during the junior year and availability.
East Lansing high School - Grading Scale
East Lansing High School - School Profile
Post-Secondary Enrollment
Post-Secondary Enrollment
NOTE: Counselors are happy to help student’s select appropriate courses. We do require that students come to those appointments prepared with some idea of the areas that they are hoping to dual enroll. Students can accomplish this by becoming familiar with the schedule of courses featured on LCC/MSU websites, and having looked at what courses LCC/MSU offers.
Lansing Community College
Please view the LCC Dual Enrollment Checklist and follow the LCC Dual Enrollment form instructions below.
In order to complete the form, students will need to look up the specific CRN for the course they want to take. Students can log into their Banner account to see what courses are being offered, or can look at our course offerings without logging in by following the below link:
Follow these Steps for Success on LCC's Dual Enrollment page.
Michigan State University
Qualifying students must complete and submit an East Lansing Public School Dual Enrollment/Postsecondary Application listing the classes that they would like to take. Please see the link below (Dual Enrollment - MSU Fall 2021).
Students can locate the classes that are available for Dual Enrollment Students at:
Once their ELPS application is approved by their counselor, the student will register online with MSU using the following link:
LCC Dual Enrollment Checklist
LCC Enrollment Form Instructions
ELPS Dual Enrollment LCC 24-25 MUST Fill out this form if you are dual enrolling at LCC and turn in to Student Services
ELPS Dual Enrollment MSU 24-25 MUST Fill out this form if you are dual enrolling at MSU and turn in to Student Services
Online Learning
Online Learning
Program Prerequisite: Application deadline date: June 1 for 1st and 2nd semester. Any changes to 2nd semester must be made prior to the start of 2nd semester.
Students have the option of enrolling in online courses. Online courses offer a variety of subjects to high school students taught by certified Michigan teachers. Students must be self-motivated and able to participate online. Assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects vary from class to class. On-site enrollment will be provided by the virtual high school site coordinator. Course information for all virtual courses is available at: Please choose the Statewide Catalog for courses students may take. A course percentage will be given by the VHS instructor and converted to a letter grade by the mentor. Once approved, all enrollment is handled through the Student Services office.
ELHS pays online course fees only for 1st and 2nd semester, and only if it is part of a student’s six hours. These classes cannot be used for credit recovery. Students wishing to take virtual classes over the summer or outside of the school day, do so at the expense of their families.
Check-in with the Mentor teacher will be required during the fall and spring pupil count day periods. The mentor will inform students about this process.
MVHS courses may start and end at a different time than ELHS courses. Please make sure to be aware of start and end dates.
NOTE: The student/family is responsible to provide full payment to ELPS for associated fees of a course that is dropped after the reimbursement date. Classes will not be added or dropped after the first week unless there is an inappropriate placement of a student in a class or an extenuating circumstance.
MIVHS Online Learning Application 24-25
Additional Program Options
Additional Program Options
GATE Programs – CHAMP and ISHALL
ISHALL is designed for students in 7th, 8th, and 9th grades who have achieved 520 – Critical Reading on the SAT, or 21 – English, no lower than 22 – Critical Reading on the ACT AND who, in addition, score well on qualifying diagnostic essay that gauges their readiness to undertake the challenging work of the course. Two years of ISHALL coursework is equivalent to 4 credits of ELHS English credit and fulfills the MMC graduation requirements.
CHAMP is designed for students in 7th – 10th grades who: Score well on placement test taken online. Student will be eligible to take Placement test after the GATE Office has reviewed application and the student is assigned a MSU identification AND SAT minimum scores: Math 530 and Total (Math plus Critical Reading) 1010 OR ACT minimum scores: Math 21 and Composite 23.
Year 1 CHAMP coursework transfers 2 credits for ELHS Algebra I & Algebra II. Year 2 of CHAMP coursework transfers 2 credits for ELHS Geometry & Pre-calculus. A senior math course is still required to fulfill the MMC graduation requirements.
ALL in partnership with the Office of University Outreach and Engagement at Michigan State University, provides classroom instruction for students in grades 7-9 who have advanced skills in language arts. ALL is designed so that the participating students can complete in two years the Latin language content assigned in Michigan High School Content Expectations (HSCE) for all four years of high school as well as meet the Common Core National Standards.Every semester of the GATE Latin program corresponds to one year of high school Latin. Below are the equivalents:
*The process for enrolling in CHAMP, ALL and ISHALL begins in middle school.
Update Your EDP
Update your EDP
If you need help deciding your post-secondary plans, Career Cruising can help!
Career Cruising
This will help you to set academic goals, prepare your academic portfolio, prioritize and develop decision-making skills, etc. Username: eastlansing Password: trojans.