District Corona Virus (COVID-19) Information

Instructional Resources

ELPS Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan Training on Delivery, Access, and Use of Virtual Content

For Teachers: 
The amount and type of training provided during the current school year as of the date of the report to teachers of the district through professional development that focuses on how to deliver virtual content.

Title of Training
Differentiation and Small Group Instruction: Considerations for Distance Learning Environments 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous: 
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020)

Title of Training
Making Lessons Authentic and Interactive in the Classroom and at Home 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Starting the Year Right - Onboarding Your Students and Families to the Tech Tools for Your Classroom 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Creating Engaging Screencasts 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Tips and Tricks for Teaching Online 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Student Centered Feedback 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
The Flipped Classroom 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020)

Title of Training
Models and Tips for Hybrid Instruction 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Google Drive for Beginners 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020)

Title of Training 
Google Classroom 101 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Google Forms 101 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Pear Deck 101 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
EdPuzzle 101 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Google Meet 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Chrome and Gmail 101 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Screen casting/Creating Instructional Videos 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020)

Title of Training
Get It Together: Templates for Organizing Your Google Classroom 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
SeeSaw Basics 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training 
Google Tips and Tricks 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Beyond Google Classroom 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020)

Title of Training
The Better Summative Assessment 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Chrome for All Learners 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
More Effective Formative Assessment 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
The Better Summative Assessment 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Engagement in Remote Mathematics 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Teaching Math Expressions Online 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Assessment in the Age of Remote NGSS 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Fostering Productive Norms in Remote Science Teaching 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Supporting Equity in Home-Based Science Learning 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020)

Title of Training
Adapting Amplify Science for Remote Learning 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020)

Title of Training
Quality Resources for Remote and Hybrid Social Studies 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Virtual PBIS 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Virtual CHAMPS

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020)

Title of Training 
Compassion Fatigue 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
Content Area Learning Networks for Counselors; ELA; English Learners; Math; New Teachers; Science; and Social Studies 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous & Asynchronous (April-December 2020) 

Title of Training
ELPS Google Classroom 1.0 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Asynchronous July-December 2020 

Title of Training
ELPS Seesaw 1.0 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Asynchronous July-December 2020

Title of Training
ELPS Google Drive 1.0 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Asynchronous July-December 2020 

Title of Training
ELPS Google Meet 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Asynchronous July-December 2020 

Title of Training
ELPS Blended Learning and Flipped Classroom 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Asynchronous July-December 2020 

Title of Training
ELPS Google Classroom 2.0 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Asynchronous July-December 2020 

Title of Training
ELPS Seesaw 2.0 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous: 
Asynchronous July-December 2020 

Title of Training
ELPS Social Emotional Preparedness 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous July-August 2020 

Title of Training
ELPS Google Drive Work Session 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous July-August 2020 

Title of Training
ELPS Google Classroom Work Session 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous July-August 2020

Title of Training
ELPS Google Meet Work Session 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous July-August 2020

Title of Training
ELPS Seesaw Work Session 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous July-August 2020

For Parents: 
The amount and type of training provided during the current school year as of the date of the report to the parents and legal guardians of pupils and to pupils on how to access and use virtual content provided by the district.

Event, Lesson, or Title of Training
ELPS Parent/Student Orientation to Online Learning 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous August 24-28, 2020 

Event, Lesson, or Title of Training
ELPS Tech Support for Families: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rrcJgiDI6_Vb4EcK4_c3yet-RLWk6QwOy4t VAu4RdB0/present?rm=minimal&slide=id.g35f391192_00 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Asynchronous July-December 2020

For Students: 
The amount and type of training provided during the current school year as of the date of the report to the parents and legal guardians of pupils and to pupils on how to access and use virtual content provided by the district.

Event, Lesson, or Title of Training
ELPS Parent/Student Orientation to Online Learning 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Synchronous August 24-28, 2020

Event, Lesson, or Title of Training
ELPS Tech Support for Families: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rrcJgiDI6_Vb4EcK4_c3yet-RLWk6QwOy4t VAu4RdB0/present?rm=minimal&slide=id.g35f391192_00 

Offered Synchronous or Asynchronous:
Asynchronous July-December 2020

Updated 9/30/2020 to meet new requirements in SB 927

Continuity of Learning and COVID-19 Response Plan (“Plan”) Application Template

As a result of COVID-19 and the closing of school buildings for the 2019-20 School Year, school districts must submit a Continuity of Learning and COVID-19 Response Plan (“Plan”) in order to continue to receive state aid for operations. Although schools are closed and not providing in person instruction, teaching and learning must continue. Michigan educators have been called to provide our students with continued learning. 

There are various states of readiness to provide continuity in learning among districts. Even within districts of multiple school sites, there are varied states of readiness. It is expected that schools will provide instruction at a distance using a variety of methods that meet local needs, including printed materials, phone contact, email, virtual learning, or a combination to meet student needs. We should avoid assuming that continuity in learning can only occur through online means. 

While many educators have been providing distance learning opportunities, the Governor’s Executive Order (EO 2020-35) requires all schools to begin providing learning opportunities for all students no later than April 28, 2020. Districts who are able to begin their plans earlier are encouraged to do so. 

Each District shall submit a single completed Assurance Document, Budget Outline, and Continuity of Learning Plan to its Intermediate School District. Each Public School Academy shall submit a completed Assurance Document, Budget Outline, and Continuity of Learning Plan to its Authorizer. A single application should be filed for the district rather than multiple applications for individual schools within a district. The following items are required for the application which may be submitted beginning April 8, 2020:

  1. Assurances Document
  2. Continuity of Learning Plan 
  3. Budget Outline

As Districts and Public School Academies complete the Assurances and Continuity of Learning Plans, they should consider utilizing the following principles to guide their work:

Keep Students at the Center Intentional outreach to continue building relationships and maintain connections. Help students feel safe and valued. At minimum, plan to do the following: 

  • Plan for Student Learning: Build on each student’s strengths, interests, and needs and use this knowledge to positively affect learning. 
  • Develop and Weekly Plan and Schedule: Offer routines and structures for consistency and for the balancing of think time, work time, and play time for health and well-being. 
  • Contact families: Partner to support student learning through ongoing communication and collaboration. This will not look the same for every student and family – safety remains the priority. Provide translations as necessary.

Design Learning for Equity and Access Plan and deliver content in multiple ways so all students can access learning. 

  • Teach Content: Set goals using knowledge of each student, content area standards, and Michigan Merit Curriculum. 
  • Deliver Flexible Instruction: Consider how to deliver content depending on tools and resources accessible to each student. Alternative modes of instruction may include use of online learning, telephone communications, email virtual instruction, videos, slideshows, project-based learning, use of instructional packets, or a combination to meet diverse student needs. 
  • Engage Families: Communicate with families about engagement strategies to support students as they access the learning. Families are critical partner. Provide translations as necessary.

Date Submitted: April 15, 2020 

Name of District: East Lansing Public Schools 

Address of District: 501 Burcham Dr., East Lansing, MI 48823 

District Code Number: 33010 Email Address of the District: dori.leyko@elps.us 

Name of Intermediate School District: Ingham Intermediate School District 

Name of Authorizing Body (if applicable): 

This Assurance document needs to be returned to your Intermediate School District, or for Public School Academies, your Authorizing Body with your Continuity of Learning Plan and Budget Outline beginning April 8, 2020 to indicate that the District will adopt a plan to ensure continuous learning for all students through the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. 

Districts should submit a single district plan that relates to all of their schools. 

The applicant hereby provides assurance it will follow the requirements for a Plan for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year: 

  1. Applicant assures that all student learning will take place under the direction of a teacher of record for each student enrolled in the district. 
  2. Applicant assures that it will continue to pay school employees during the balance of the 2019-2020 school year under the same terms and conditions established prior to the school closure order period. 
  3. Applicant assures that the Plan was developed in collaboration with district administrators, school board members, teachers, and local bargaining units. 
  4. Applicant assures that food distribution has been arranged for or provided for eligible students.
  5. Applicant assures coordination between applicant and Intermediate School District in which the District/PSA is located to mobilize disaster relief child care centers. 
  6. Applicant assures that to the extent practicable, the District/PSA will in good faith provide students with IEPs/Section 504 Plans the opportunity to participate in learning consistent with existing plans. 
  7. Applicant assures that Continuity of Learning and COVID-19 Response Plan, Assurance Document, and Budget Outline will be posted immediately following approval to the District’s/PSA’s website.

The goal of a Continuity of Learning and COVID-19 Response Plan is to ensure that each District or Public School Academy is providing, to the best of its ability, each student with alternative modes of instruction to help them stay on pace in their learning. This application recognizes that there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution; multiple means of engaging students and supporting families may be necessary that may vary by grade level, school building, or student population served

For the purposes of the Plan, “district” refers to school districts and public school academies. 

Date Submitted: April 15, 2020 

Name of District: East Lansing Public Schools 

Address of District: 501 Burcham Dr., East Lansing, MI 48823 

District Code Number: 33010 Email 

Address of the District: dori.leyko@elps.us 

Name of Intermediate School District: Ingham Intermediate School District

Name of Authorizing Body (if applicable): 

In accordance with Executive Order 2020-35, a Plan must include all of the following parts: 

  1. Please describe the methods the district will use to provide alternative modes of instruction other than in-person instruction and a summary of materials each pupil and the pupil’s parents or guardians will need to access meaningfully the alternative modes of instruction included in the Plan. If the Plan relies on electronic instruction, the Plan must ensure to the extent feasible that pupils have access to a connected device capable of accessing the electronic instruction and must not penalize a pupil for the pupil’s inability to fully participate. 

    “Alternative modes of instruction” means modes of pupil instruction, other than in person instruction, that may include, without limitation, partnerships with other districts or intermediate districts or community colleges or institutions of higher education, use of vendors, use of online learning, telephone communications, email, virtual instruction, videos, slideshows, project-based learning, use of instructional packets, or a hybrid of multiple modes of learning that still promote recommended practices for social distancing to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. 

    ELPS will use a hybrid model of instruction and offer hard copy instructional packets and online learning platforms. For students who have internet access but no device, ELPS will check out iPads (Gr. K-2) and laptops (Gr. 3-12) to families prior to the implementation of this plan. ELPS has also shared information regarding ways to access free internet. Students and families may elect self-paced weekly instructional packets in place of the online format. Materials and supplies will be made available to families, and materials and devices will be delivered to families who cannot pick them up. All students will have access to grade-level/course textbooks. Each building has developed a schedule for teachers and parents/guardians to safely come to the building to gather materials. This process limits the number of individuals in the building at any given time, ensures that employees are given the Ingham County Health Department required screener upon entry, and provides direction for social distancing. Teachers will utilize a combination of asynchronous video lessons, office hours, class meetings, email, mail and phone calls to connect with students and families - teachers will determine each family's preferred method of communication through a Week 1 survey. ELPS is committed to providing learning from a distance for all students, including students in programs such as Early-On Service, pre-K - 12 students with IEPs, students with 504 plans, and students (18-26) in post-secondary transition programs. Learning may be provided in coordination with partner programs (e.g. GSRP, Wilson Talent Center, The Early College, HSDCI, Graduation Alliance, E2020, MVU, etc.). ELPS is committed to making a best faith effort to provide support for students with specialized needs. The district will not penalize a pupil for their inability to fully participate. 

    All ELPS staff will make decisions in accordance with the following concepts that we collectively hold as a district: 

    1. Minimize the negative impact on students’ educational experience and work to lessen the traumatic impact of the school closure on students and families. 
    2. Put forth good faith effort to support our students. 
    3. Communicate and collaborate with parents and caregivers. 
    4. Document our efforts. 
    5. Do all of this work as a unified and supportive team. 

  2. Please describe the methods the district will use to keep pupils at the center of educational activities, including outreach to continue building relationships and maintain connections, and to help pupils feel safe and valued. Teachers will be expected to make contact with every student at least one time during the week. This may be done through the use of technology (for those who have access) such as Google Hangout or other form of virtual meeting or through weekly phone calls or emails. For students who are accessing online instruction, teachers will also make sure to communicate multiple times each week through the instructional platform (Google Classroom, SeeSaw, etc.), with an emphasis on continuing to build relationships and maintain connections. For students and families that have elected instructional learning packets, teachers will include weekly notes to students in their instructional packet that focus on building relationships and maintaining connections. ELPS has developed a common communication log that will be used by all teachers in the district to track participation as required by Executive Order 2020-35, as well as a process for following up with and documenting all attempts to engage a student and family in the learning plan. 

  3. Please describe the district’s plan to deliver content in multiple ways so that all pupils can access learning. ELPS will offer an online learning option, a learning packet model or a hybrid of the two.Please describe the district’s plan to deliver content in multiple ways so that all pupils can access learning. ELPS will offer an online learning option, a learning packet model or a hybrid of the two. For students who elect the online learning option, content will be delivered through an online platform, email, and other social media sites (Facebook, Remind, etc.). Our online learning plans consist of:

    1. Instructional videos that can be accessed by students and families at any time and viewed repeatedly as needed - all student materials for the week will be uploaded and available by 8:00 a.m. every Monday morning. 
    2. Follow-up activities that align with the learning outcome(s) of the instructional video – these activities should be engaging, allow for engagement and completion at multiple levels (offer differentiation), and provide students multiple ways to demonstrate their learning. Feedback to students will also be provided. 
    3. Weekly options for class meetings and “office hours” for students and families to check in, engage with the teacher and/or peers, and get support on learning activities.

    For students electing the learning packet model, the primary mode of instructional delivery will be through hard-copy learning packets.

    1. The learning opportunities in these packets will be supplemented with phone conferencing to support student learning. The teacher will engage with each student at least once a week, and paraprofessionals will also be assigned to support individual students as appropriate. 
    2. Feedback to students may be provided through the weekly phone conference, emails, or through notes included in the following week’s packet.

  4. Please describe the district’s plan to manage and monitor learning by pupils. 

    For students who elect the learning packet model, answer keys will be provided with packets so that students may self-monitor or with a parent, sibling or other individual in the home. We will also provide feedback to students and families through phone conferences or participation in a class meeting. Families may also take photos of completed work and email them to the teacher, who will provide feedback via email. 

    For students who elect the online learning model, teachers will monitor student participation and assignment completion on a daily basis within the instructional platform. The district has developed a common form to track student participation. Teachers will provide feedback to students on assignments primarily through the instructional platform, but also through email, phone conferences or online meetings. Teachers will differentiate instruction within the platform and instructional activity to meet each student's needs.

  5. Please attach a budget outline estimating additional expenditures associated with the Plan and sources of revenue to pay for those expenditures. 

    We expect to incur few additional expenditures associated with the plan outside of school expenses we would have incurred during face-to-face learning. The only additional expenditure we expect is the cost of mailing packets to families – so large envelopes and postage. Depending on the number of families electing to utilize the instructional learning packets, our postage costs will vary – these will be costs charged to the general fund. 

    There is also a potential cost associated with device repair and/or replacement if not all devices are returned or if some are in need of repair or replacement. These costs would be covered by the technology budget.

  6. Please describe the manner in which district administrators, board members, teachers, and any representatives of teachers collaborated in development of the Plan. 

    Numerous stakeholders were involved in the development of the district’s Continuity of Learning Plan.

    1. District-level administrators developed a draft skeleton plan with specific guidelines and non-negotiables for the district. 
    2. District-level administrators met virtually with union representatives to review requirements of Executive Order 2020-35 and how we planned to develop, roll out and implement the plan. 
    3. Building-level administrators individualized the plan and developed level-specific guidelines and non-negotiables to fit the needs of each level – elementary, middle school, high school. 
    4. Instructional coaches, department chairpersons (teachers) and grade-level chairpersons (teachers) reviewed the building-level plans and provided input and feedback to building administrators. 
    5. All board members were provided a copy of the draft plan and offered the opportunity to provide input and feedback. 
    6. A group of parents that represented different building levels and demographics were provided a copy of the draft plan and offered the opportunity to provide input and feedback. 
    7. Members from a Parent Equity Team, District Parent Council, and others who offered assistance were asked to review the plan and offer input and feedback from an equity lens. 
    8. All input was collected and considered by district-level administrators. Adjustments were made to the plan prior to its submission for approval

  7. . Please describe the methods the district will use to notify pupils and parents or guardians of the Plan. 

    The Plan will be shared with students, families, and community members in the following ways:

    1. Posted on the district’s website 
    2. Building letters to include link to plan 
    3. Links to the Plan on Facebook and Twitter 
    4. Robocall to families stating where to access the plan 
    5. Paper copies mailed (or electronic copies emailed) upon request

  8. Please provide an estimate of the date on which the district will begin implementation of the Plan, which must be no later than April 28, 2020. 

    ELPS will begin implementation of the Plan on April 20, 2020. 

    Implementation Schedule:

    • Week 0 – April 13 – 17 – Planning for Continuous Learning
      • District and building plans shared with staff 
      • Teacher collaborative planning 
      • Material and device distribution for staff and families 
    • Week 1 – April 20 – 24 – Connecting and Establishing Relationships 
      • Students and teachers reconnect o Expectations and routines shared
      •  Class meetings 
      • Students and families become familiar with online instructional platforms and/or seek assistance with these platforms o Distribution of learning packets 
    • Week 2 – April 27 – May 1 – Supplemental Learning and Review 
      • Key concepts reviewed 
    • Week 3 and beyond – May 4 – June 5 – New Learning
  9. Please describe the assistance, to the extent feasible, to pupils enrolled in any postsecondary dual enrollment courses under Public Act 160 of 1996, as amended, MCL 388.511 to 388.524, and Career and Technical Preparation Act, 258 PA 2000, as amended, MCL 388.1901 to 388.1913, in completing the courses during the 2019- 2020 school year. 

    For our students in dual enrollment courses we will be working with the provider to determine next steps. ELPS has dedicated individuals who act as liaisons between students and these programs. We will ensure that the students have the appropriate materials and support to complete those courses. As per our Grading and Monitoring Practices, grades will be converted to Credit (CR) or Incomplete (I) on transcripts. 

    For students in CTE programs we will work with the ISD CTE Director as well as state level CTE directives to ensure our students have the ability to complete these courses. ELPS will ensure the student has the necessary resources, including technology devices and transportation to the ISD, if needed.

  10. Please describe how the district will continue to provide or arrange for continuation of food distribution to eligible pupils.
    Meal Distribution Plan
    All students age 18 & under and young adults with special needs age 26 & under qualify for free breakfast and lunch. All others should access the Greater Lansing 
    Food Bank for food assistance. o Meals will be distributed by a pick-up/drive-thru model from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at East Lansing High School. ELPS will provide three days’ worth of meals on Tuesdays and four days’ worth of meals on Thursdays. o To eliminate face-to-face contact between staff and drivers/passengers, drivers should have the trunk emptied so that food and milk can be placed there. A box or laundry basket in the trunk would also be helpful. o Families will receive pre-packaged meal boxes that contain a breakfast and lunch for each day for each student. - This information is communicated to families through regular district updates via eblast and robocall. It is also posted on the district website and social media. In addition, meals are delivered to 50-60 households of resident and non-resident students through the use of staff volunteers. - In addition, through community donations, a Family Support Fund has been developed. Meijer gift cards are mailed to families who request assistance with food or other needs

Letter to Families from Glenn Mitcham, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

Dear East Lansing Public Schools Families, 

Greetings from the Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Office! 

I want to take a minute to update you on the district’s current plans concerning online learning during this time of school closure. Please know that as we receive updated information and guidance, what I share with you today could change as early as tomorrow . We have heard from many of you about the challenge of keeping your students educationally engaged during this unprecedented time. ELPS wants very much to respond and support you as much as possible, but I think it is important for you to understand the constraints we are facing concerning online learning. I have outlined below the current direction we have received from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and the Office of Civil Rights (OCR). 

What is Clearly Appropriate and Encouraged? 

  • Although not required, we applaud the effort that has been made by many of our teachers to try to stay connected with your students. Whether online or through the US mail, efforts to say “hello” and “how are you” are awesome. Many of our students miss the love, support and encouragement they get from our teachers while in school, so this kind of outreach to your students is appreciated. 

  • This week, MDE and OCR have issued guidance about what kind of academic instruction teachers may provide for their students during this period of closure: 
    • Teachers may review prior learning.
    • Teachers may make suggestions for optional learning activities. 
    • Teachers may provide links to supplemental learning activities.
  • For teachers who do share resources, we are encouraging them to collaborate with their grade level or department colleagues so that information is shared equitably to all of our students. 

What Clearly Crosses the Line and is Not OK? 

  • School work may not be required. 
  • Student work may not be collected or graded. 
  • No instruction on new material may take place. 
  • No work may be “assigned” to students to complete. 
  • “Lessons” may not be recorded and sent to explain new content. 


  • If teachers cross the “line” outlined above, their instruction falls into the category of “Online Learning”. For school districts to adequately provide online learning they must be able to answer “Yes” to all of the following questions: (Adapted from March 18, 2020 MDE Memo)  Do ALL students have access to appropriate learning devices? 
    • Do ALL students have access to the internet? 
    • Can the district successfully support the needs of ALL learners? (Including all IEP, 504, English Learners and other student accommodations) 
    • Have educators previously participated in professional learning opportunities that prepared them to transition teaching and learning online successfully? 
    • Have students had enough prior exposure to online learning to be successful? 
    • Does the district have in place an online management system to effectively support online learning? 
  • Our district is not currently in a position to effectively and equitably provide online learning that is accessible to all students. 
  • According to further communication we have received this week, a district that offers “Online Learning” and cannot provide this service as outlined above is at risk of disciplinary action from MDE and OCR. 

ELPS believes in equal and equitable access to education for all of our students and as a district we are committed to this end. Although as a district we have been and will continue to be ready to teach our students within the walls of our classrooms, we are not positioned to translate this teaching to an online platform. Moving forward, ELPS plans to use the MDE guidelines as we explore online instruction. 

As the uncertainty of this health crisis continues, our district will remain open to the direction of our state and federal leadership for ongoing guidance concerning online learning and will keep our families and students informed of any new information moving forward. 

Please feel free to send me questions or concerns - I will do my best to address them fully. 


Glenn Mitcham Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment East Lansing Public Schools 

PS: See these national news articles that give a broader scope of the online learning dilemma across the country: 



Elementary (K-5) Instructional Resources

Elementary Learning Resource Sheet

This is a list of resources that can be accessed for free. Accounts can be set up by parents/guardians. If you child’s teacher has unique login information for any of these sites, they may have sent this information home on Friday and/or emailed it to you. 

Freckle: (math and ELA K-5) https://www.freckle.com/

Prodigy: https://www.prodigygame.com/

Imagine Math: (only if teacher has class account) https://math.imaginelearning.com/users/sign_in 

RAZ Kids: (licenses for our Y5-3rd grade students) https://www.raz-kids.com/ 

Brain Pop: https://www.brainpop.com/
User Name: ELPS Password: 2learn 

REMC 13: (tumblebooks and other resources) https://www.remc13.org/
Login: remc13 Password: learn13 

Think Central: https://www-k6.thinkcentral.com/ePC/start.do 

Michigan eLibrary: https://mel.org/welcome 

Liberty’s Kids – YouTube videos on the American Revolution (5th grade SS) 

Early Literacy Calendars – daily literacy activities (K and 1st grade students) 

Attention ELPS Families! 

Comcast is offering free Internet Essentials service for the next 60 days to assist families during the school closure. You can contact Comcast to set up this service at: 


As we go through this uncharted and unexpected time, we know many students will have questions and concerns, which may exacerbate mental health challenges and/or stressors. As such, the district would like to extend both mental health and community resources for K-12 students, parents, and guardians to use over the next several weeks if needed. 

Mental Health Resources 

Crisis/Suicide Prevention 

Community Supports 

MacDonald Middle School Instructional Resources

Resources for Middle School Students 

As we are preparing for prolonged closures, I know that there are a lot of things on your minds. One of those things is likely the learning loss that your students might suffer during this time out of school. In an effort to help your students maintain their skills, please see the online resources below for each core area. However, there is no expectation for homework or requirements for work completion in any particular class. As we go through this uncharted and unexpected time, we know many students will have questions and concerns, which may exacerbate mental health challenges and/or stressors. As such, the district would like to extend both mental health and community resources for K-12 students, parents, and guardians to use over the next several weeks if needed. 

Math Resources 

Language Arts Resources

  • Encourage your student to read each day. If your student needs of reading material, there are free eBooks available through the Michigan eLibrary and the East Lansing Public Library. 
  • NewsELA offers informational articles on a variety of topics, including language arts. Article reading levels can be customized to suit a student’s individual needs and include a four-question quiz. 
  • Khan Academy offers free online learning resources with courses in vocabulary, reading, and grammar. 

Social Studies Resources 

Science Resources 

World language resources 

State Standardized Testing Practice 

Mental Health Resources 

Crisis/Suicide Prevention 

Community Supports 

East Lansing High School Instructional Resources

Resources for High School Students 

As we are preparing for prolonged closures, I know that there are a lot of things on your minds. One of those things is likely the learning loss that your students might suffer during this time out of school. In an effort to help your students maintain their skills, please see the online resources below for each core area. However, there is no expectation for homework or requirements for work completion in any particular class. As we go through this uncharted and unexpected time, we know many students will have questions and concerns, which may exacerbate mental health challenges and/or stressors. As such, the district would like to extend both mental health and community resources for K-12 students, parents, and guardians to use over the next several weeks if needed. 

Social Studies

Crash Course Videos: These short videos are a great way to review content we have been studying and preview content yet to come! 

US History 

World History 



The Social Studies Department always recommends reading and talking about current events and issues at home. Students might consider keeping a journal or writing a short piece about their experiences and observations related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. These are the kinds of 'primary sources' that could be passed down to future generations of your family who might wonder what it was like to live through this! 

Language Arts 

  1. Grammar Flip 
  2. CommonLit 
    https://www.commonlit.org/ - https://www.commonlit.org/blog/free-resources-to-support-teleschool-plans-covid-19-5b3955333e05/
  3. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/purdue_owl.html 
  4. https://newsela.com/ 


  1. Crash Course Science Videos 
  2. Khan Academy Science 
  3. Phet Interactive Science Simulations 
  4. Glow Script 
  5. The Physics Classroom 
  6. Interactive Labs 
  7. Shared Science Virtual Learning http://www.gavirtuallearning.org/Resources/SharedLandingPage.aspx 
  8. NASA Virtual Field trips 
  9. Forensic Science Links 
  10. Bozeman 
    Science http://www.bozemanscience.com/ 

Math Department 

We have linked some excellent online links below for great practice resources for your child and we encourage kids to do math every day during this shutdown. Any student taking an AP math course should visit AP Central. 

Online Apps to Review Basic Facts: 

Classic II 
Math Master 

SAT Math Practice: Math Practice from Khan Academy (Also a good learning source!): 

SAT Diagnostic tests (to see which concepts you need to concentrate more on) https://www.varsitytutors.com/sat_math-practice-tests Or: https://www.varsitytutors.com/begin-sat_math_diagnostic_1-problems (you can change the number “1” up to “16”.) 

SAT Math practice questions (calculator & non-calc: from easy to hard) https://www.highschooltestprep.com/sat/math/ 

SAT Full Test Practice Full length practice test with answers and explanation: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/practice/full-length-practice-tests 

SAT full length test online PDF: 

Mental Health 

As we go through this uncharted and unexpected time, we know many students will have questions and concerns, which may exacerbate mental health challenges and/or stressors. As such, the district would like to extend both mental health and community resources for K-12 students, parents, and guardians to use over the next several weeks if needed.

Mental Health Resources 

Crisis/Suicide Prevention 

Community Supports