Marble Equity Team Meetings

MET meetings are generally held on the 1st Wednesday of the month in the Marble Elementary at Old Donley Library at 7 pm.  Due to Covid-19 and in-person restrictions all meetings will be held over Zoom until further notice.  

Families, we need to come together more than ever now while we navigate these unprecedented times.  Please add your much needed voices and ideas to these important conversations.  Online access information will be emailed prior to the meeting.  If you are not already on the email distribution list please email the MET to be added to the list.  

Meetings will be posted on the MET website when available.  Approved minutes will be posted online following the meeting.  Please contact the MET to make additions to the agenda at We encourage everyone in the Marble Community to attend and contribute their thoughts and ideas.

Meeting dates for the 2020-2021 school year are as follows:

  • October 7, 2020
  • November 4, 2020
  • December 2, 2020
  • January 6, 2021
  • February 3, 2021
  • March 3, 2021
  • April 7, 2021
  • May 5, 2021
    June 2, 2021