Course Information

MMS Alternative Class Opportunities

Michigan Virtual High School Classes (middle and high school level)

  1. Complete application, which can be found on ELHS website under Student Services.  Turn in to Mrs. Wallace, MMS Counselor.
  2. Once students are scheduled for course, they are assigned Mrs. Wallace as their mentor teacher on Power School, and report to the Media Center to complete assignments each day.

 Classes at ELHS

  1.  Students may elect to take a course at ELHS, which are typically in the math or world language (the level of which is not offered at MMS) departments.
  2. Parents inform MMS administrators, who work with Student Services at ELHS to schedule students 1st hour, which begins earlier than MMS.
  3. There is a bus which brings students from ELHS back to MMS in time to begin 2nd hour.

MSU GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) classes – ISHALL (English), CHAMPS (Math), ALL (Latin), LEAF (French)

  1. Students must submit an ACT or SAT score when they apply for one of these programs.  Students may also take these standardized test through Northwestern University’s Midwest Academic Talent Search (
  2. Once accepted, they attend the class at MSU one day a week.  The rest of the week, they are assigned to the Media Center at MMS to complete assignments for this class.
  3. MSU sends grade reports to MMS counselor, who will post grade on Power School each semester.
  4. Please go for more information regarding GATE programs, requirements, and fees
  5. View the 2024-2025 Gate Program Guide
    If your student qualifies and transportation or finances are an issue, please contact your school's counseling office.